English Bible school

In progress – more information is coming soon.

Finnish Bible school in Finland and on-line

For Finnish-speaking students there is a possibility to study in their own language.
We provide 2-2,5 hours of teaching/week online and a weekly meeting  on Thursdays 6.30-8.00 pm in Pasila, Helsinki.
Those who live in other areas of the country or the world can choose to participate in monthly online meetings instead (2 hours/month).
The studies are during September-May and contain the most important subjects of our program, such as:

  • the love relationship with Jesus/inner prayer
  • righteousness/your Identity in Christ as a child of God
  • healing of the soul and body
  • man and woman in the Kingdom of God
  • faith

For more detailed information in Finnish, please visit our Finnish homepage>>


Josephine Bäckryd

In Her Own Words: «Jesus Healed Me of Fatigue – Now I Dare Flow in the Prophetic!”

“Jesus healed me of exhaustion. Nausea and dizziness are fully gone. He healed me of fear and rejection and began establishing my identity and self-image. Jesus lifted the robe of sorrow off me. The Lord healed my marriage and gave me new hope for the future. My family and I are truly blessed in more ways than one by attending Arken Bible School. Their teaching on healing of the soul is one of a kind. All would greatly benefit from it as it works deep in your will, emotions and thoughts. Truly life changing. Thank you, Jesus! Your Word is alive, powerful, sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing right in between soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It goes straight to the point of what the human heart is thinking or intends to do.”

Josephine, training track, 1st year.

Inner healing and passing it on in ministry
In this Bible-school you will have plenty of time for your soul to heal. I have experienced that Jesus is the one who can heal me, set me free and make me righteous. When I myself have been touched by the goodness of Jesus, it is easy for me to pass it on to others.

Elin Maröy
Year 1, distance student at JHR from Norway

Distance Bible-school

JHR Bible-school online has given me an oppurtunity to go to bibleschool at the same time as I work as a farmer. I have been thouroughly established in the truth that I have become righteous in Jesus. I am delighted to be living the naturally supernatural life more and more abuntantly.

Jan Solberg

Year 1, distance student at JHR from Norway

The best thing that has happened to me
Inner wounds have been healed, improper ties and bindings have been broken, and relationships have been established. My faith and my prayer life have been completely transformed. I can truly recommend the Jesus Heals and Restores Bible-school!

June Ramsö
Year 1, JHR bible-school